Decorative image showing Duesseldorf and a few fancy people

2008 Düsseldorf Japan Day Footage

During the 2008 Duesseldorf Japan Day, I was fully taken over by my creepy nature and shot unsuspecting participants and onlookers with my camcorder. The images are a bit shaky though so I doubt any folks could actually recognize themselves.

There is also a version of this video available on YouTube, but the below one has full resolution, restricted to what my Panasonic SDR-S10 is capable of.

»Download the video (H.264 progressive).

This is currently a plain download but might eventually be replaced with a Torrent.

The video was roughly cut and assembled in Kino and Audacity on an ArtistX system but is otherwise untreated. Actually I started to like the ArtistX live DVD enough after this that I left it running for about a month on the machine, which put enough stress on my drive to trash it!

Quality disclaimer: People may forgive my total inability to use the Kino program. Somehow I botched all of the transitions and unknowingly put parts of the audio track in loops. Still surprises me to this day. Anyway I'm too lazy to redo it.

Last modified 2014-06-28 Raimund Steger